Hampshire Constabulary use Facebook to share crime alerts, missing person or witness appeals, crime prevention advice, good news stories and our general patrol activities. If you use Facebook, please like and follow our page – Winchester Police. If you have access to the community Facebook page or local WhatsApp group, please could you share this information, to reach as many people in the local area.
If you are not on Facebook, it’s easy to join. If you would just like to join to receive these alerts, please add a profile name, photo is optional, search for Winchester Police and click on the Like button. Obviously you can do more on Facebook like requesting friends and joining various groups but please be aware of your privacy settings and don’t share any personal information with the general public. We always suggest using a nickname and a scenic profile picture rather than one of yourself. We also have a Twitter account - @WinchesterCops And Hampshire Alerts if you would prefer to receive emails rather than use social media. Kind regards Michelle. PCSO 15075 Michelle Wilkinson Winchester Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team Alresford Police Office | Hampshire Constabulary Phone : 101 Twitter : @WinchesterCops Facebook : Winchester Police Comments are closed.
January 2025
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