Hampshire County Council update October 2022 ______________________________________________________________________ Please note, this information is accurate at the time of writing. The information below sets out the position the Local Authority is taking in respect of supporting Hampshire residents during the ‘cost of living’ crisis. It is designed to provide you with a range of guidance in one helpful overview, so you can signpost individuals, as well as community organisations, to the available advice and support which may help during the growing pressure on household budgets. The priority for the County Council is to ensure local residents are making the most of the wide range of information and support services already available – and to make it easy for them to find the advice they need. A working group, led by County Council officers, is ensuring co-ordination with district and borough councils, as well as local community and voluntary networks. This is helping to avoid any unnecessary duplication of effort. ______________________________________________________________________ Keep Warm Keep Well (KWKW) In early October, the Local Authority launched the Keep Warm Keep Well web pages: These pages bring together a variety of help and information, such as advice for keeping homes warm and coping with debt, details about meals on wheels and school meals, as well as advice for maintaining physical and mental wellbeing during challenging times. Below is an overview of the web page content with signposting details. Warm spaces Our library network offers warm and welcoming spaces for anyone needing a place to spend some time, connect with others, or to work or study. Libraries provide a safe and inclusive community space, free to use without judgement. Libraries are promoting usual events and activities and are working with communities, volunteers and partners to meet potential demand. Throughout October libraries are hosting a cost-of-living event in each district of Hampshire bringing together a range of partners to support customers in need. Further details are being communicated locally by individual libraries. Libraries are also providing some targeted support with the distribution of Warm Bags and Food Vouchers through the Household Support Fund and will be introducing Chat About sessions across their network in November. A press release was recently issued with further information about warm and welcome spaces. Food and essentials Families struggling with the cost of essentials - such as food and fuel - are encouraged to visit the connect4communities website. This is where they will find details about the support on offer. Families are also invited to check their eligibility for free school meals. Fuel and energy Keeping homes warm is essential because it helps protect health and wellbeing. Residents can get advice for keeping homes at optimum temperatures from the County Council commissioned Hitting the Cold Spots helpline. Anyone struggling to pay bills is urged to speak with their supplier first and, if they still need support, to contact their local Citizens Advice. Further details about the help that is available can be found on the Government's website. Money and debt At this time, more Hampshire residents are likely to be experiencing debt and money worries. Those who are struggling to cope can find a wealth of advice and guidance from Connect to Support Hampshire as well as Citizens Advice. Some people might also be eligible for a Council Tax reduction. For anyone receiving treatment following a mental health crisis who is also in debt, the ‘Breathing Space’ scheme can offer a reprieve from financial burdens. Staying well and resilient There are several tools available to help residents look after themselves during difficult times. The NHS has some top tips for keeping well over winter, and both Connect to Support Hampshire and our Mental Wellbeing Hampshire website, link to sources of support, specialist help and money advice. People eligible for their COVID-19 autumn booster and flu jab are being encouraged to take these up as soon as they are invited. _____________________________________________________________________ Grants for community organisations Hampshire County Council offers a range of grants to community organisations working with local residents to support their physical and mental wellbeing. These grants may provide assistance in supporting those organisations working with people who are most at risk from the impact of the current crisis. In particular, the Leader’s Community Grant Fund now contains provision for community organisations, Parish and Town Councils to apply for small grants of up to £5,000 to support communities, for example by setting up a Warm Space. Further information is available on the dedicated web pages. Comments are closed.
January 2025
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